Saturday, May 18, 2024
food_and_cuisine / 2023-10-30

Foods And Drinks To Avoid When Traveling Abroad

When traveling abroad, it's important to be mindful of what you eat and drink to avoid getting sick. Different countries may have different food safety standards and local culinary practices that your digestive system may not be accustomed to. Here are some foods and drinks to consider avoiding or consuming with caution when traveling abroad:

  1. Tap Water: In many countries, tap water may not be safe to drink. Stick to bottled water or water that has been properly purified or boiled. Be cautious about using ice in your drinks, as it may be made from tap water.

  2. Street Food: While street food can be delicious, it can also be a source of foodborne illnesses. Be selective about where you buy street food, opting for vendors that have a high turnover of customers and appear to follow good hygiene practices.

  3. Raw or Undercooked Meat and Seafood: Avoid dishes that contain raw or undercooked meat, poultry, or seafood, as they can carry a higher risk of foodborne illnesses. This includes dishes like sushi, steak tartare, and rare-cooked hamburgers.

  4. Unwashed or Unpeeled Raw Produce: Fruits and vegetables that haven't been properly washed or peeled can carry contaminants. Opt for fruits you can peel yourself or those that have been cooked.

  5. Ice Cream and Dairy: Be cautious about consuming dairy products in countries where pasteurization standards may differ. Ice cream, in particular, can be a source of foodborne illness.

  6. Buffets: Buffet-style restaurants may not always maintain proper food hygiene practices. If you choose to eat at a buffet, go during busy hours when the food turnover is high, and the dishes are likely fresher.

  7. Shellfish: Mussels, clams, and oysters are filter-feeders that can accumulate toxins from the water they live in. Avoid consuming these in areas with questionable water quality.

  8. Unpasteurized or Homemade Beverages: Avoid drinks like homemade juices, local alcoholic brews, or unpasteurized milk, as they may not meet the same safety standards as commercially produced beverages.

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